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Product Code: СтароукраїнськаAuthor: АДЕФ-УкраїнаThe Peresopnytsia Gospel. Facsimile edition in the Old Ukrainian language 80 000 грн.
Product Code: СтароукраїнськаAuthor: АДЕФ-УкраїнаThe Peresopnytsia Gospel. Origins and Present. Gift edition 30 000 грн.
Product Code: УкраїнськаAuthor: Тетяна ЗезEmbroidery in the clothes of outstanding Ukrainians 2 000 грн.
Product Code: РосійськаAuthor: Михайло БулгаковThe Master and Margarita (facsimile edition of typewritten text) 4 800 грн.
Product Code: УкраїнськаAuthor: Valentin SokolovskyArt of the world. Contribution of Ukraine 6 500 грн.
Product Code: РосійськаAuthor: Михайло БулгаковMuses of Mikhail Bulgakov. A set of three books 2 000 грн.
Product Code: УкраїнськаAuthor: Петро КорпанюкMy native land: an indexed album of postcards 2 570 грн.
Product Code: РосійськаAuthor: Михайло БулгаковThe Dog's Heart. Facsimile edition of the typewritten text 3 600 грн.
Product Code: УкраїнськаAuthor: Zinaida VasinaThe evolution of Ukrainian costume. Pages from history 2 860 грн.
Product Code: РосійськаAuthor: Михайло БулгаковThe White Guard (facsimile edition of the typewritten text) 4 800 грн.
Product Code: АнглійськаAuthor: Zinaida VasinaUkrainian fashion through the ages: 8™ millennia BC to the present day 1 000 грн.