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The Peresopnytsia Gospel. Origins and Present. Gift edition
The Peresopnytsia Gospel. Origins and Present. Gift edition
The Peresopnytsia Gospel. Origins and Present. Gift edition
The Peresopnytsia Gospel. Origins and Present. Gift edition
The Peresopnytsia Gospel. Origins and Present. Gift edition
The Peresopnytsia Gospel. Origins and Present. Gift edition

The Peresopnytsia Gospel. Origins and Present. Gift edition

Language: Староукраїнська
ISBN: 978-966-187-092-4
Author: АДЕФ-Україна
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The Peresopnytsia Gospel is the oath book of Ukrainian presidents since 1991.

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The book «The Peresopnytsia Gospel. Origins and Present»

Why this particular one? Because the Peresopnytsia Gospel is one of the first examples of the Ukrainian language, which was used to write the Holy Scriptures in the 16th century. Unlike other Gospels of this era, the Peresopnytsia Gospel has an exquisite highly artistic design with images of the Evangelists and floral ornaments made using drip gold. The Peresopnytsia Gospel itself was handwritten on parchment, so it exists in a single copy. This makes the Peresopnytsia Gospel all the more precious a treasure of Ukraine.

The peculiarities of the text of the Peresopnytsia Gospel are that many words are written without vowels, there are abbreviations, and there are peculiarities of the Ukrainian language of the 16th century. That is why the original texts of the Peresopnytsia Gospel are available for reading to a narrow circle of specialists. That is why, in pursuit of the goal set by the creators of the Peresopnytsia Gospel, which was to translate the Holy Scriptures into a language understandable to the common people, the book "The Peresopnytsia Gospel. Origins and Present" was the desire to make the original texts understandable to modern Ukrainians. For this purpose, the publishers of the book "The Peresopnytsia Gospel. Origins and Present" have designed the publication as follows: the left page of each spread of the book is presented as a reduced copy of the original text of the Peresopnytsia Gospel, and the right page consists of two columns: the left column is the complete transliterated text (the texts of the 16th century Gospel are written in modern Ukrainian letters), and the right column is the edition of the said texts of the Peresopnytsia Gospel in modern Ukrainian. Thanks to this organization, the book "The Peresopnytsia Gospel.

Origins and Present" makes it possible not only to see the original pages of the Peresopnytsia Gospel, but also to read the Holy Scriptures in the Ukrainian language of literary sources and compare it with the modern language of Ukrainians. That is why the book "The Peresopnytsia Gospel. Origins and Present" is an invaluable addition to your library and an exquisite gift. You can give the book "The Peresopnytsia Gospel. Origins and Present" to your loved ones for a wedding, an anniversary, or to your school on the occasion of graduation to leave a good memory of your class. Also, the book "The Peresopnytsia Gospel. Origins and Present" is a significant gift for the community of your city or village as the 4th symbol of Ukrainian statehood. Because all inaugurations of Ukrainian presidents are held with the use of this book, which, along with the national flag, emblem and anthem of Ukraine, symbolizes the independence of our country.

The book is made in full accordance with the original, printed on environmentally friendly paper, has 1724 pages, is bound in genuine leather, and is decorat

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