The book «Muses of Mikhail Bulgakov. A set of three books»
Tatiana Kiselhof (Bulgakova)
Lyubov Belozerskaya-Bulgakova
Elena Bulgakova
Tatiana Kiselhoff (Bulgakova)
Memoirs. Letters.
The book includes memoirs of Bulgakov's first wife about their life together in 1913-1923, letters from Tatiana to A. P. Konchakovsky, one of the founders of the Bulgakov Museum in Kyiv, and to friends and relatives. The book concludes with a collection of memoirs about Tetiana.
Liubov Bilozerska-Bulgakova
Memoirs. Letters.
The book includes memoirs of Bulgakov's second wife about her life with the writer in 1924-1932, letters from Lyubov to friends and relatives, and her letters to A. P. Konchakovsky, one of the founders of the Bulgakov Museum in Kyiv, are published for the first time. The book concludes with a selection of memoirs about Liubov.
Elena Bulgakova
Memoirs of contemporaries
The first collection of memoirs about the famous Margarita in the history of Bulgakov studies is composed of essays, memoirs, diary entries, and interviews with contemporaries of Elena Sergeevna Bulgakova. She did her best to preserve every line written by the Master. And she managed to accomplish the impossible - she broke through the armor of Soviet ideology and published the writer's main novel, The Master and Margarita. "It was a special tribe, great women - Ranevskaya, Akhmatova, Elena Bulgakova, Nadezhda Mandelstam, legendary women whose house was considered an honor, whose friendship was joyful and difficult..."
In their presence, people became taller, smarter, more cheerful, more beautiful than themselves...," recalls Liudmyla Petrushevska.
The book uses photographs from the archives of the Bulgakov Literary and Memorial Museum in Kyiv, personal archives of Yurii Vorontsov, A. Konchakovskyi, Yurii Kryvonosov, Yurii Slezkin, and S. Shylovskyi. The books will be useful to anyone interested in the life and work of the great master.