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The Dog's Heart. Facsimile edition of the typewritten text
The Dog's Heart. Facsimile edition of the typewritten text
The Dog's Heart. Facsimile edition of the typewritten text
The Dog's Heart. Facsimile edition of the typewritten text
The Dog's Heart. Facsimile edition of the typewritten text
The Dog's Heart. Facsimile edition of the typewritten text
The Dog's Heart. Facsimile edition of the typewritten text
The Dog's Heart. Facsimile edition of the typewritten text

The Dog's Heart. Facsimile edition of the typewritten text

Language: Російська
ISBN: 978-617-7736-01-0
Author: Михайло Булгаков
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Mikhail Bulgakov's novel The Heart of a Dog was written in January-March 1925.

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The book «The Dog's Heart. Facsimile edition of the typewritten text »

The dog's heart. Mikhail Bulgakov. Facsimile edition of the typewritten text

This is an outspoken political satire on the leadership of the Country of Soviets of the mid-20s. Therefore, after a short "protocol" on May 7, 1926, the OGPU seized the manuscript of the story, and it was classified as a prohibited work. For some time, there was a belief that there were three surviving typewritten copies of the text in the Russian State Library. As a result, in the USSR, the distribution of the story "The Heart of a Dog" was carried out only within the framework of samizdat until the late 80s of the twentieth century. In 1967, the magazines "Grani" (Frankfurt) and "Student" (London) first published the novel, but, unfortunately, with many inaccuracies and errors. In 1987, the Znamya magazine published the story, prepared by M. O. Chudkova. But this edition was also based on a foreign list from 1967 with many errors. Only in 1989, under the editorship of L. M. Yanovska, was a version of the story fully corresponding to the original published for the first time. It was included in the two-volume book "Selected Works of Mikhail Bulgakov" by the Kyiv publishing house "Dnipro". After that, the story was reprinted several times and translated into many foreign languages.

The book you are holding in your hands is a facsimile of one of the versions of the typewritten text, which was discovered in the early twenty-first century in the home archive of the sisters Marika and Cecile Chimishkyan, who were part of Bulgakov's inner circle, by the famous collector S. Bobrov.

The authenticity of the presented text was recognized by M. O. Chudakova when analyzing the corrections in it - they were made by the hand of M. A. Bulgakov. The originality of the publication lies in the fact that it takes the reader to the era of "Selfprint", which is practically unknown to the current generation of "first readers" of the story.

This book is the second in a series of facsimile typescripts of Bulgakov's works. The series began with the novel The Master and Margarita. The series also includes the novel The White Guard.