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The Taste of Chocolate Ice Cream
The Taste of Chocolate Ice Cream
The Taste of Chocolate Ice Cream
The Taste of Chocolate Ice Cream

The Taste of Chocolate Ice Cream

Language: Українська
ISBN: 978-617-7736-37-9
Author: Наталія Костинська
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You begin to realize that your goal is the path of your life. And every moment of it is as beautiful as the taste of chocolate ice cream.

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560 грн.
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The book "The Taste of Chocolate Ice Cream"

For development not to end in the parking lot, movement is necessary. The author of the book, Natalia Kostynska, shows by her own example how you can achieve a lot, how to become a person. A lot of associations arise when reading the book: the author takes us deep into the biography, helps us understand the biographical "puzzles" and "landscape" in the biography of each of us. The secrets of medical skill, homeopathic and anthroposophical medicine are revealed to us.

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