The Book "Time of Strong Personalities"
The book of achievement, The Time of Strong Personalities, is a new word in the applied literature of the non-fiction genre. Ksenia Taylor, a well-known writer, psychotherapist, quantum psychologist, international speaker, and author of innovative educational and scientific programmes, is the first to address the topic of a person of the third millennium in the era of global transformations in such a deep and serious way.
In the book, the author not only raises problems and identifies the challenges of the new time, but also provides solutions to each of them. This is the great value of the content and practicality of each chapter. The reader receives answers to his or her many questions and acquires skills of inner strength.
Ksenia Taylor doesn't just tell you who a strong personality is, she gives you the tools to BE a strong personality. She also provides solutions to many other vital tasks aimed at creating, understanding oneself, transforming and creating a new level of life in the modern, rapidly changing world.
We recommend the book-completion "Time of Strong Personalities" to those who are ready to manage changes in their lives.