The Book "Ukrainian fashion: from Trypillians to the glass generation"
What makes us Ukrainian?
Knowledge and respect for our roots, the traditions of our ancestors and the origins of our culture. The whole world knows about the culture and historical achievements of the Mayan civilization, the cultural heritage of the Egyptian kingdom and the incredible achievements of the Roman Empire. Today, the whole world knows about Ukrainians and our indomitable spirit. But our task is to tell the world that Ukrainians are not only brave, loyal knights, but also one of the world's most ancient civilizations - the first settlements of original communities in Ukraine are more than ten thousand years old. Our cultural and historical heritage is a pearl in the shaping of European history. And we have much to share with the world.
This book describes one of the most important aspects of the cultural development of society - the evolution of dress. We consider this area to be important because the study of the development of costume includes both the study of the development of crafts, trade relations, the level of development of the arts, and the level of education of the population. That is, the study of the development of costume encourages the researcher to cover many aspects of the social and cultural development of communities in the territory of modern Ukraine. This book aims to encourage young researchers to look for new interesting facts, archaeological finds, and young artists to be inspired by the experience of past generations and create new masterpieces of Ukrainian fashion. The book is intended for a wide range of readers.
The publishing house expresses its gratitude for the photos of the reconstruction collections of historical clothing in the material: Kyiv State Academy of Decorative and Applied Arts and Design named after Mykhailo Boichuk, the Treasury of the of the National Museum of History of Ukraine.
The book uses materials from:
- the creative team of the Kyiv Professional College of Art and Technology
- the collections of clothes "Far and Near Trypillia" and "Trypillia Palette" (by L. Avilkova, N. Balandina, S. Shyrokova);
- The founder of the ethnic fashion "Couture Valenture" - V. Anuarova-Lisokolenko.
- M. Melnyk, generated by artificial intelligence.
This edition is based on the materials of Zinaida Vasina's book "Evolution of UkrainianEvolution of Ukrainian Dress. Pages from the History." - Kharkiv: Vivat, 2021. - 560 p.: color. ill. (Series "Art and Culture" series, ISBN 978-966-942-838-7) ISBN 978-966-982-137-9.