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Political Economy of Rebellions
Political Economy of Rebellions
Political Economy of Rebellions
Political Economy of Rebellions
Political Economy of Rebellions
Political Economy of Rebellions
Political Economy of Rebellions
Political Economy of Rebellions
Political Economy of Rebellions
Political Economy of Rebellions

Political Economy of Rebellions

Language: Українська
ISBN: 978-617-7906-71-0
Author: Ернст Заграва
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The Book "Political Economy of Rebellions"

"Political Economy of Rebellions" by Ernst Zahrava is a profound exploration of the economic principles that drive national development. This expanded edition provides fresh insights into the challenges and opportunities faced by countries striving for economic transformation.

What you’ll find inside:

  • Global Success Stories: An analysis of economic booms in different countries, identifying shared patterns and unique adaptations.
  • Guidelines for Ukraine: Practical lessons drawn from global experiences, tailored to Ukraine's unique challenges and opportunities.
  • Resolving Ideological Debates: The book redefines debates about free markets vs. state intervention, democracy vs. authoritarianism, and monopoly vs. small enterprises.
  • The Role of Elites: Insightful analysis of why elites often resist reforms and how this resistance can be addressed.

Who should read this book?

  • Economists and political economy experts.
  • Policy makers and reform advocates.
  • Anyone interested in the intersection of democracy, economics, and global development.

This book not only dissects the economic strategies of the US but also provides a creative framework for nations seeking sustainable growth and ambitious goals in the global economy.

Tags: Science